Antelope ROAMS
Let us bring library books to you!
¡Déjenos traerles los libros de la biblioteca a usted!
How do you return Antelope ROAMS items?
1. Place your returns in your ROAMS delivery bag. Put them out in your delivery spot on delivery day. If you no longer have the bag we provided, please put them in a plastic bag.
2. Drop off your books at one of our three NEW library drop boxes:
📚 Public Space One Close House, 538 S Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA 52240
📚 Open Heartland, 3 E. Benton St. Iowa City, Iowa
📚 Breckenridge Estates, 4494 Taft Ave SE, Iowa City, IA 52240
3. If you're already visiting us at one of our bookmobile stops, bring your books back to us then.
4. Return your books to the Coralville Public Library, or any Iowa City School District school library.
5. Email us at info@antelopelendinglibary.org or leave us a message us at (319)343-6872. We will reach out to you to coordinate pick up.